Providing hope & encouragement along with practical strategies to help you cope & overcome life’s challenges.

Gwendolyn Tyson, PhD, LCMHCS

I believe everyone has the capacity to cope; but sometimes life can be so challenging we don’t always know how to regain control & move ourselves in the right direction. I’ve been there—& after countless struggles, disappointments, distractions, injustices, setbacks, & tough life lessons, I learned how to cope. You can too! My desire is that you prosper & experience health & well-being every day & in every area of your life. I’d love to help. Contact me today.

Degree: PhD in Counseling.

License: Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor.

Experience: 15+ years of experience in higher education & in private & community agencies.

Mission: To promote health & wellbeing by empowering individuals & groups to effectively cope with challenges through speaking, consulting, teambuilding, training, & personal & professional coping programs. I understand the impact of poor coping & I am committed to minimizing adverse mental & physical health risks one individual, family, & group at a time.   

What you can expect: Enhanced wellbeing & relationships, happiness, peace, & productivity.

Change what you can. Cope with what you can’t.

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