Beware: 5 Ways To Destroy Any Relationship (Professional Or Personal)

Today I want to talk about 5 things that will destroy any relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s a personal or professional relationship and it doesn’t matter if it is your intent. It usually only takes one incident of either of these things to turn someone off, but if you consistently practice any one of them, that is the quickest and surest way to kill a relationship. If you do recognize some of these traits as your own, decide today to make changes.

So, the 1st way to destroy any personal or professional relationship is to:

Be inattentive, inconsiderate, and consumed with yourself. In other words, be selfish. The irony of selfishness is that there is plenty of it to go around. Selfishness impedes your growth and genuine promotion. So, if you want to be miserable, or be forever attaining but never really having enough, don’t care or be concerned with anyone but yourself.

Number 2…

Be narrow-minded and rigid if you want to inhibit growth and destroy any your relationship. Closed or narrow-minded people are usually unable to see beyond their current circumstances or what’s in front of them and see things from other perspectives.

The next way to destroy a relationship is to…

Be inauthentic and judgmental. Some people don’t know or like themselves. So, it’s difficult to try to be true to who you are if you don’t know who that is. and when you don’t like or know yourself it’s easy to judge, compare, or find fault in others.

This leads me to my next relationship destroyer.

Be unpleasant, lazy, and complain regularly. Not only will you destroy the relationship, but people will more often than not avoid you. No one wants to be around an unpleasant or lazy person.


Be dishonest. That is one of the quickest ways to end any type of relationship. Most successful relationships are built upon trust. And if the words that come out of your mouth cannot be trusted, there’s no room for growth or advancement in the relationship. So, you never get the opportunity to demonstrate your worth.

Now, I hope you will consider the 5 aforementioned relationship killers as you grow in your personal and professional relationships and not only avoid them at all cost, but decide to operate on the opposite end of them.

To work more in depth through some of these points, schedule a free consult at


Overcome Any Challenge By Doing These 2 Things