Don’t Ignore The Signs: Learn How To Cope
I live near an ATM and every so often I’m awakened by several loud bangs and an extremely loud alarm. I think someone is trying to break into the ATM machine. I’m saddened by that because we live in a world so rich in resources and opportunities, but people resort to crime or some other detrimental behavior to cope with life’s challenges. I’m aware there’s a lot more to consider, but the bottom line is although this world is rich in resources and opportunities, those resources and opportunities aren’t always accessible for everyone either by their own choice or someone else’s. I’m not blaming the world or the person and I’m not condoning crime, because I believe in responsibility and accountability, but it breaks my heart when people lack the coping skills they need to manage life.
People are addicted to drugs and alcohol, sex, food, social media, and so many other things because they don’t cope well. People lose their lives, their kids, their freedom, relationships, jobs, and homes because they don’t cope well. Kids, adults, and pets are often abused or devalued due to poor coping. People become exhausted and break down; their view of others and themselves deteriorate, and they stop living because they don’t cope well. Life ends before it gets started sometimes because somebody didn’t cope well.
I know you’re saying, that’s not my story. My kids are good and I’m in a healthy relationship. I’m not addicted, homeless, or jobless. But these people weren’t either until they were.
My message: Learn how to cope. If you’re still alive, it’s not too late. Don’t ignore the signs.
Ask yourself if you’re more often than not: envious, judgmental, negative, forgetful, untruthful, sad, anxious, fearful, or stressed.
Do you often feel exhausted, disconnected, withdrawn, or unmotivated?
Are you easily angered, agitated, or frustrated, yelling or cursing a lot?
Are you losing or gaining weight uncontrollably?
Do you need help sleeping or getting up in the morning?
Are you making questionable choices?
Are you often victimized or deceived by others?
Are you consistently having trouble financially?
Do you have tunnel vision or are you hyper focused?
Are you merely existing, and not living? Have you lost interest and are no longer investing in others?
Are you discontented with life, finding fault in others?
Do you lack self-compassion?
An affirmative response to any of the questions above could indicate there may be problems with coping. A lot of these signs are personality or temperamental concerns. Sometimes, when we cope poorly for so long, our personality changes and we may not be aware that it happened. Although you may have good reasons for many of your experiences, don’t ignore any of these signs. And because you may have had these experiences, it doesn’t mean that you are or will become homeless or addicted or that bad things will happen to you. You know where you are right now, how you’re feeling, and how you cope. If these are your experiences more often than not, I’m simply pleading: Don’t go into a new year moving in the same direction, doing the same things, expecting different results. Learn how to cope with your challenges or with whatever is going on in your life. You deserve it and you’re worth it.
Check in with yourself every morning. For two minutes, sit quietly and ask yourself how you are doing. Write It down. You may be surprised at the trend you notice. Make this self-check-in a normal practice in your daily routine.
Feel free to work with a trusted mentoring group, pastor, or professional to learn how to cope and overcome challenges.
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